Meet... David Vaux - Arthritis Action

Meet… David Vaux

Osteopath David Vaux is our new Physical Therapies Manager and will be working on developing the growth of our Associated Practitioner Network and ensuring we continue to offer the best service to our Members. David joined us in September 2017.

What is your background?

I formally worked in services within organisational health and fitness promotion, both operationally and laterally. I am passionate about giving individuals the knowledge and skills to both prevent and manage pain. I have continued to enjoy helping organisations and individuals achieve better health via exercise programmes and have combined this with my clinical work as an Osteopath, which has taken me all over the world, working with performers from the arts and sports. In my day-to-day practice I work with chronic pain and arthritis, while I also enjoy training other health professionals in the prescription of movement-based strategies, for pain management.

What do you feel the Charity offers people living with arthritis? Why do you recommend becoming a Member?

Arthritis Action offers a holistic package that helps to empower, educate and support Members, giving access to our nationwide network of highly trained physical therapy consultations, in which you have protected time to discuss your individual concern and needs.

What do you do in your day-to-day?         

My day-to-day often includes dealing with applications from our therapies network, and making sure that our Members are well-served in their local region. My role also includes the provision of guidance and training for our Practitioners, as well as expert opinion on matters related to treatment or management of arthritis alongside our Medical Advisor Dr Wendy Holden. I am currently mapping out a new arthritis exercise project for 2018 which I am very excited about.

What is your favourite thing about our events?

Providing an environment in which our Members can feel understood and supported.

Favourite sandwich filling?  


I am passionate about giving individuals the knowledge and skills to both prevent and manage pain.

What is your favourite inspirational quote?

‘It’s not how fast you can do something. It’s how slowly you can do it properly’

Train or car?


What is your current favourite book?       

Oh so many! I tend to have about 5 on the go at any one point and often revisit a book. A pivotal book for me was The brain that changes itself, by Norman Doidge.

Thank you so much for answering all our questions, David!

I look forward to meeting you at one of our events! 🙂


For any questions email us on, or call us on 0203 781 7120.