Our Impact - Arthritis Action

Our Impact

The Difference We Make

Our 2022-2023 Impact Report is now available and we are delighted to share it with everyone. The Report summarises our key achievements during the course of the year.

Highlights from the Report:

  • We successfully organised 92 Group meetings and events this year, with 2000 people in attendance.
  • We provided telephone support to around 4,000 people, and supported over 370,000 people through our website.
  • We launched a new Podcast, and set up “Arthritis & Me” newsletter for people under 40.
  • We continued to raise awareness reaching 1.7 million on social media, and a combined publicity and PR reach of 70.8 million.

To learn more about our impact, have a read through our 2022/23 Impact Report  (or click on the below image which will open a pdf).